Welcome to where we let our nerdiness shine.
Our blog, Quinnsights, is a semi regular compilation of things we find interesting, information to help you make better software decisions and random tidbits we find clever, bold, or creative.
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22 March, 2021
Is Your Organization Prepared for a Ransomware Attack?
Various reputable sources, including the United States Federal Bureau of Investigation, the Canadian Crypto Module Validation Program and Microsoft…

4 March, 2021
Privacy Concerns: New Technology to Grade Meetings Through Surveillance of Attendees
Like it or not, data collection technology is pervasive. Your online activities and purchases are tracked. Your travels are monitored, and your locat…

22 February, 2021
How SaaS is Changing IT Departments
As software as a service (SaaS) tools continue to gain more popularity with businesses, it’s only natural that on-premises, perpetual license softwar…

4 February, 2021
LibreOffice: An Open Source Alternative to Microsoft Office
The phrase “open source”, as used in the title, can also be read as “free.” That is correct – there is a fully functional suite of office software ap…

22 January, 2021
Teleworking: Information Security Essentials for Organizational Leadership
Teleworking: Information Security Essentials for Organizational Leadership
The COVID-19 pandemic forced organizations to rapidly develop and impleme…

13 January, 2021
Free, Reliable Tools to Help You Protect Yourself From Identity Thieves
There are many reputable free tools available online that will allow you to lower your chances of becoming an identity theft victim. You can quickly…

6 November, 2020
7 Common Myths About Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure (HTTPS) You Shouldn’t Believe
Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure (HTTPS) has surpassed Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) to become the most popular website protocol on the intern…

14 October, 2020
10 Tips for Developing a Disaster Recovery Plan (DRP)
Most businesses rely on information technology (IT) systems. Even a small business may have critical data and applications without which it could not…

1 October, 2020
5 Ways an IT Provider can Save Your Business Money
Outsourcing your IT department offers impressive benefits, such as improving productivity, increasing security, and gaining access to the latest tech…