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8 Landing Page Refinements That Supercharge Search Marketing Conversions

1) CUSTOMIZE HEADLINES Your landing page’s headline is your first and sometimes only chance to hook your visitor into reading more of your message. Don’t waste it by serving up generic headlines that don’t reflect the visitor’s search intent. Always customize your headline by including the search phrase, the referrer, or any other data you can access. A strongly relevant headline will always perform better than any amount of clever but loosely related wordplay. 2) PERSONALIZE THE CTA But customization doesn’t need to stop there. The call to action (or...

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Microsoft Announces a Sandbox Environment for Windows 10

LSASS AND THE WINDOWS OPERATING SYSTEM The Windows Local Security Authority Subsystem (LSASS) uses a type of virtual machine similar to the InPrivate Desktop sandbox. LSASS handles many of the security features of Windows. The reason it’s kept in a virtual environment is to protect it from malware. The “lsass.exe” process can be seen from the Windows Task Manager and must run to keep Windows from shutting down to the login screen.  Passwords, password changes, hashes, and access tokens are all kept in Windows virtual machine to protect it from malware. Should a...

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5 Types of Data That Google Might Be Collecting from You

When you sign up to use Google’s free email service (Gmail), you fill out an account registration page. The registration page asks for personal information like your name, age (birthday), where you live, an alternative email address, and phone number. In addition to those mandatory questions, there are more personal questions that you can choose to answer (but you don’t have to). Google saves all this information when you sign up for a Gmail account. However, besides your name, the rest of the information you give doesn’t have to match your real identity (because Google...

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Why We’re Introducing A Mascot as Part of Our STEP Brand

Traditionally, a mascot is an animal or object used to represent a group with a common identity. This includes schools, sports teams, organizations, charities, and brands. The choice of mascot often embodies an organization’s most desirable qualities and characteristics, aligned with the brand’s spirit, and is reflected in its daily operations. Let’s continue the mascot guessing game, shall we? Here’s another hint: STEP Software serves our clients with solutions that are nimble, agile, and resourceful. And we pride ourselves on hiring team members who aren’t only skillful, they’re...

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5 Tips for Creating a Great UX 

1. RESEARCH Before you can begin to create an arresting UX, you must first get to know your ideal user. Decide who your site is to be designed for and spend time getting to know the needs and wants of that specific demographic. Market research is crucial to designing a winning UX. Through the use of surveys, questionnaires, and analysis of similar projects, you can create a detailed picture of your average user. Once you have an idea of who will be visiting your site or app, you can tailor your UX to them by implementing design features that are relevant and appropriate. An...

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Understanding How to Protect Your Online Identity

1. USE STRONG PASSPHRASES Gone are the days of using simple passwords. It is essential to change the way we think about what constitutes the most secure password structure. The tech industry has done a great job conditioning people to think they need to build a complicated password with both uppercase and lowercase letters, numbers, and symbols, when there is a way to increase your online security and make your password easier for you to remember. Using a passphrase, rather than a password, can help keep your online identity safe. For example, an ideal passphrase is comprised of...

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RFID: What Frequency is the Best Choice for Your Use Case?

OVERVIEW OF RFID FREQUENCIES The exchange of information between an RFID tag and an RFID reader occurs via radio waves. For the process to work correctly, tags and readers must be synced to the same RFID frequency — both tag and reader must be using the same wavelength. Think of an RFID frequency like a television for RFID. If the RFID tags and its reader aren’t set to the same channel, messages can’t be passed from one device to the other. Similar to a television with stations, there are a finite number RFID frequencies available. There are three particular...

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3 Key Factors that Will Influence Your SEO Results

RELATIONSHIP BUILDING Relationship building is a key factor in modern SEO, allowing you to gain backlinks that might previously be out of reach. Many people have achieved top rankings without focusing on relationships, often purchasing links or using automated software. However, the search engines have gotten better at detecting these activities, so your results might not last long. Solid relationships, though, enable you to gain backlinks and promotion from relevant authority sites. You can provide guest posts for a blog, get added to a resource page, or be used as a citation within an...

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4 Easy to Understand Machine Learning Methods

MACHINE LEARNING? Machine learning is a subfield of computer science focused on designing algorithms that can “learn” from data. The discipline intertwines intimately with the field of artificial intelligence. There are two main kinds of machine learning: unsupervised learning and supervised learning. Both are useful in data analysis. Unsupervised learning involves a machine learning algorithm looking at data and finding patterns, frequently referred to as “features.” Supervised learning, on the other hand, is what you do when you have input data as well as...

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