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Tag: developer

How an API Can Be Leveraged to Boost Sales

WHAT AN API CAN DO: TECHNICAL DETAILS Before knowing how an API can make you money, you should first understand what an API does. API is a common term used for any component that can be used as a “middleman” between a client application and data (e.g., a third-party developer program and your internal procedures). APIs aren’t only for web applications. They are a part of operating systems that give external software access to low-level computer functionality. APIs can be implemented in many computer systems that allow third-party developers access to internal...

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Focused IT Consulting Fosters Small Business Innovation

THE SYSADMIN: WEARER OF MANY HATS A system administrator handles the core of your IT setup. They’re the ones who design and maintain how users, groups of users, computers, and groups of computers behave. This is true whether you’re looking at a specific user or computer, or across the entire network. Adding IT consultants to your company’s roster of reliable resources can ensure your network is optimized and secure.  In many small- to mid-sized businesses, the IT expert is expected to know everything about technology, even if it’s not necessarily computer...

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