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Tag: healthcare

Satisfying Your Curiosity About 3D Printing

HISTORY OF 3D PRINTING Although you might think 3D printing is a new technology, it has been around for quite a while. The journey of 3D printing began when Hideo Kodama published a paper in 1981 describing a rapid-prototyping system which made use of photopolymers, an acrylic-based material. When a UV laser beam hits a liquid photopolymer, it turns into a solid. Three years later, Charles Hull invented stereolithography. This machine lets designers make digital models and transform them to print something tangible. The secret of stereolithography lies in its use of the...

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7 Notable Uses of the Internet of Things (IoT)

WEARABLE DEVICES The demand for wearable IoT-enabled devices has multiplied substantially in recent years. Tech giants such as Samsung and Google have invested heavily in wearable devices and technologies. Their overwhelming popularity has millions of people anticipating the release of new models of smartwatches each year. Wearable IoT devices cover a lot of categories including health, fitness, and entertainment. These devices function through software and sensors which gather data. The data is then stored, communicated, and processed to discover insights about its users. ...

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