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Tag: password

Two-Factor Authentication: What You Need to Know

WHAT IS AUTHENTICATION? In cybersecurity, authentication is the process of proving that someone is who they say they are. This is to give that person permission to carry out specific actions. If you’re an average consumer, authentication is you proving to your online bank app that it’s actually you, so you can manage your finances online. In the past, this was accomplished with a simple username and password combination. As hackers have gotten more sophisticated and computing power has improved, it has gotten easier for criminals to guess a simple password. For instance, the...

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Understanding How to Protect Your Online Identity

1. USE STRONG PASSPHRASES Gone are the days of using simple passwords. It is essential to change the way we think about what constitutes the most secure password structure. The tech industry has done a great job conditioning people to think they need to build a complicated password with both uppercase and lowercase letters, numbers, and symbols, when there is a way to increase your online security and make your password easier for you to remember. Using a passphrase, rather than a password, can help keep your online identity safe. For example, an ideal passphrase is comprised of...

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