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Tag: talent management

Cybersecurity staffing alert – Gartner sounds the alarm about stress and retention

IT’S A PEOPLE PROBLEM We tend to think of cybersecurity events, like incursions, breaches, and ransomware attacks, as largely caused by failures in technology. But Gartner’s figures paint a different picture where over-stressed cybersecurity leaders are increasingly thinking of quitting. The numbers also highlight how under-resourced employees are bypassing organizational protections and exposing stakeholders to unacceptable risk. The report suggests that by 2025, almost half of all cybersecurity leaders will have moved on from their current jobs – and 25% of them will exit the...

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Seize control as tech sector layoffs reshape talent management roadmaps

A POST-PANDEMIC RIGHTSIZING As we shared last year, none of this comes as a surprise. Much of the current layoff trend is less dire than it might seem. Rather than clouds gathering on the horizon, it is more akin to a structural realignment as the economy slowly emerges from the pandemic. As COVID first took hold in March 2020, many tech companies found themselves slammed by spiking demand for services from suddenly homebound customers. Amazon, for example, had to hire hundreds of thousands of new people to handle deliveries, and to staff their warehouses to manage the crush...

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Staff Augmentation 101 – what you need to know to get started

TAMING THE TALENT MANAGEMENT TRAP As economic headwinds continue to strengthen amid stubbornly high inflation, rising inflation rates, and global economic uncertainty, organizations in all sectors – and particularly those with well-developed IT capabilities – are under increased pressure to be more effective, cost-conscious, and agile. Pulling off this often-contradictory trifecta can be a challenge, particularly considering how difficult it can be to hire the right people, train them up, and keep them resourced over time while continuously meeting ever-evolving business needs. ...

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