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Tag: Zoom

Collaboration tools hit their stride in the post-COVID age

A CHAOTIC START The early days of the COVID-19 pandemic were disruptive in ways we’re only just beginning to understand. After the initial wave of lockdowns sent millions of knowledge workers home in March 2020, IT leaders were challenged to keep everyone working no matter where they were, or how they were connected. Collaboration platforms were quickly forced into service as organizations of all sizes and in all sectors struggled to maintain productivity for their suddenly remote workforces. They may have succeeded in keeping the lights on, but the processes used to do so weren’t...

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10 Easy Ways to Improve Your Zoom Experience

ENTER QUIETLY If you’d like to get on a Zoom call in progress without being disruptive, Zoom allows you to make your entrance silently. It’s a feature that can be useful when you need to enter a meeting that you’re late to. You can quietly make your way in without anyone noticing. To enter a Zoom call silently, click on the Settings gear icon in the Zoom app, click on the Audio tab, and check the box for ‘Mute my microphone when joining a meeting’. You can unmute the microphone using the button at the bottom of the screen when you need to speak during...

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